Solar energy: alternative energy source

The first time people used the sun as an energy source was in 1884 in New York City when the world’s first solar panel stood on the roof of a city building. This alternative energy source has changed over the past 40 years. 2.7% of the world’s electricity came from sunrays, and the sphere has […]

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Wind energy: alternative energy source

Wind power is an energy industry based on the generation of electricity and heat from the movement of air masses. This is one of the most common renewable sources of energy in addition to solar panels. The following are some of the advantages of wind energy as an alternative energy source. We will also describe […]

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Global alternative energy

The relevance of alternative energy is rapidly increasing, with a steady increase in human energy consumption. For example, global energy consumption was 20.76 trillion kWh for 2015, and projections for 2030 are as high as 33.4 trillion kWh. The share of traditional energy sources (such as coal, oil gas, and its processing products) exceeds 57%. […]

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Mobile Application from the SaraMart Online Store

SaraMart is a mobile application for Android smartphones that allows you to make purchases of various kinds. The online store of the same name SaraMart delivers parcels to almost all countries of the world. SaraMart Products The application has an extensive online catalog with a wide range of products that include accessories and clothing, electronics […]

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Massage app free

Who doesn’t dream of tender, healthy and nice face skin? To have it, you should regularly see a beautician, not forget to take care of your skin daily, etc. Massage app free called forYou was designed by people who understood all those difficulties. What was forYou created for? In order to have nice skin, it is not […]

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