Advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy sources

Gas, petroleum, and coal are finite resources, which means that the demand for renewable energy is increasing every year. This article will allow you to read about the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy that will help you to assess its prospects for the near future of humankind.

Basic benefits of these resources

The advantages of alternative energy sources are the conditions for their long-term viability.

  • Permanence. Resources are renewable without human participation and considered infinite.
  • Sustainability. There are no emissions of harmful substances, as well as other negative impacts on the environment, humans, and wildlife.
  • Accessibility. Water and solar rays are what the planet has in infinite numbers. Perhaps humanity will find other types of renewable resources soon too.

Alternative energy sources minuses

Alternative energy has several drawbacks that, however, outweigh the disadvantages of non-renewable energy.

  • high cost of equipment;
  • low efficiency coefficient;
  • dependence of alternative energy on weather conditions and time of day, from the place of installation;
  • units have low electrical power.

The advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy sources do not stop enthusiasts in this field. In today’s world, several countries in Europe, North America, and China are implementing plans to change their electricity ratios in favor of renewable energy sources. These include such resources as wind, solar electromagnetic radiation, geothermal water, biofuels, and many others.