The relevance of alternative energy is rapidly increasing, with a steady increase in human energy consumption. For example, global energy consumption was 20.76 trillion kWh for 2015, and projections for 2030 are as high as 33.4 trillion kWh. The share of traditional energy sources (such as coal, oil gas, and its processing products) exceeds 57%. The share of renewable energy exceeds 35%. This ratio changes every year. This indicates the development of alternative energy.
Basic benefits
One of the reasons for the improved prospects for alternative energy is that its sources are renewable, as opposed to traditional sources such as natural gas, coal, and petroleum, which could suddenly run out. The benefits of alternative energy include environmental safety, increased availability and affordability of resources, and low production costs.
Alternative energy for the future world
Global alternative energy underpins the exploitation of inexhaustible natural phenomena and resources such as wind and water movement, electromagnetic solar radiation, hot liquids.
Wind power
Wind power is a resource, the basis of which is the conversion of the kinetic energy of the movement of air into electricity and heat for further use in farming and production. Wind power plants are the main instrument for the operation of this type of energy. Denmark, Ireland, and Portugal are the most advanced countries in this energy sector. These states use 48%, 33%, 27% of all wind power, respectively.
Solar power
Solar power is the most famous form of energy. Today, almost a hundred nations use it. Electricity and heat for calefaction are obtained from the sun by power towers and solar collectors.
Other sources of alternative energy
There are several alternative energy sources for the future.
- Bioenergy. It’s a resource that burns renewable fossil fuels. They are typically biogas, synthesis gas, biomass, wood waste, biodiesel, and bioethanol.
- Geothermal energy. Special power plants generate electricity and heat for calefaction by using high-temperature groundwater.
Cryoenergy, gravitational energy, and controlled fusion are also promising sources of alternative energy, which, however, remain less popular so far.